ENGLISH 104 (You may want to print out this information for easy reference.) THE WORKS CITED PAGE--MLA STYLE (from The Little English Handbook, p191) GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS In a research paper, the bibliography is placed at the end of the paper. It is here that the researcher provides full information about all the sources used in the paper. Start the list on a new page and proceed as follows: 1. The heading Bibliography or Works Cited should be centered, one inch down from the top of the page. 2. Double-space between the heading and the first entry. 3. Begin the first entry flush with the left-hand margin. If an entry requires more than one line, indent all subsequent lines five spaces from the left margin. 4. Double-space between and within entries and continue the list for as many pages as necessary. Alphabetize the entries by the author's last name or, if the work is anonymous, according to the first letter of the first significant word in the title. For example, A Handbook of Korea is alphabetized under "H." MODEL WORKS CITED ENTRIES Books 1. A SINGLE BOOK BY A SINGLE AUTHOR: Seki, Hozen. The Great Natural Way. New York: American Buddhist Academy, 1976. 2. A SINGLE BOOK BY MORE THAN ONE AUTHOR: Baran, Paul A., and Paul M. Sweezy. Monopoly Capital: An Essay on American Economic and Social Order. New York: Monthly Review P, 1966. 3. A BOOK OF MORE THAN ONE VOLUME: Hays, William Lee, and Robert L. Winkler. Statistics: Probability, Inference, and Decision. 2 vols. New York: Holt, 1970. 4. A BOOK EDITED BY ONE OR MORE EDITORS: Coats, Alfred W., and Ross M. Robertson, eds. Essays in American Economic History. London: Edward Arnold, 1969. 5. AN ESSAY OR A CHAPTER BY AN AUTHOR IN AN EDITED COLLECTION: Svaglic, Martin J. "Classical Rhetoric and Victorian Prose." The Art of Victorian Prose. Ed. George Levine and William Madden. New York: Oxford UP, 1968. 268-88. 6. A NEW EDITION OF A BOOK: Doughty, Oswald. A Victorian Romantic, Dante Gabriel Rossetti. 2nd ed. London: Oxford UP, 1960. 7. A BOOK THAT IS PART OF A SERIES: Heytesbury, William. Medieval Logic and the Rise of Mathematical Physics. University of Wisconsin Publications in Medieval Science. No. 3. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1956. Articles 1. AN ARTICLE FROM A JOURNAL: Adkins, Nelson. "Emerson and the Bardic Tradition." Publications of the Modern Language Association 72 (1948): 662-67. 2. AN ARTICLE IN A POPULAR MAGAZINE: Levin, Robert J. "Sex, Morality, and Society." Saturday Review 9 July 1966. 29-30. 3. A SIGNED AND AN UNSIGNED ARTICLE IN A NEWSPAPER: Van Matre, Lynn. "Evergreen Rockers: '60s stars built to last." Chicago Tribune 12 Jan. 1986, final ed.: 13:20. "Panel says FDA not doing its job." Chicago Tribune 13 Jan. 1986, Chicagoland ed.: 8. 4. A SIGNED BOOK REVIEW: Dalbor, John B. Rev. of Meaning and Mind: A Study in the Psychology of Language, by Robert F. Terwilliger. Philosophy & Rhetoric 5 (1972): 60- 61. 5. A GOVERNMENT BOOKLET OR PAMPHLET: United States, Social Security Administration. Aid to Families with Dependent Children: 1973 Recipient Characteristics Study. Publication No. (SSA) 77-11777. June 1975. 6. A PERSONAL LETTER OR INTERVIEW: Glenn, Senator John. Letter to the author. 20 June 1983. Herrens, Malcolm B. Telephone interview. 3 February 1980. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LIST OF REFERENCES--APA STYLE (from The Little English Handbook, p208) The References page appended to a paper that observes the APA style is comparable to, and yet different from, the Works Cited page in a paper that observes the MLA style. Both systems give full bibliographic information about the works cited in the body of the writing, and both systems arrange the entries alphabetically according to the last name of the author. In both systems, the names of the authors are inverted (surname first), but in the APA system, only the first initials of first and middle names are given, and when there are two or more authors for a work, the names of all the authors are inverted. The conventions of sequence, punctuation, and capitalization in the APA style for the References section can most easily be illustrated with examples. 1. A BOOK BY A SINGLE AUTHOR: Luria, A. R. (1973). The working brain: An introduction to neuro-psychology. London: Penguin. 2. A BOOK BY SEVERAL AUTHORS: Koslin, S., Koslin, B. L., Pargament, R., & Pendelton, S. (1975). An evaluation of fifth grade reading programs in ten New York City Community School Districts, 1973-1974. New York: riverside Research Institute. 3. AN ARTICLE IN AN EDITED COLLECTION: Bobrow, D. G., & Norman, D. A. (1975). Some principles of memory schemata. In D. G. Bobrow & A. M. Collins (Eds.), Representation and understanding: Studies in cognitive science. New York: Academic Press. 4. AN ARTICLE IN A JOURNAL: Stahl, A. (1977). The structure of children's compositions: Developmental and ethnic differences. Research in the Teaching of English, 11, 156-163. 5. A BOOK BY A CORPORATE AUTHOR: american Psychological Association. (1966). Standards for educational and psychological tests and manuals. Washington, DC: Author. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ASSIGNMENT #1 Create a Works Cited (MLA) page using the following information: Albert Gore (author). Jan. 2, 1989 in Time Magazine. What is wrong with us? (article). page 66. Sanna Siwolop (author). June 16, 1986 in Business Week on page 113. The Ozone Layer is Shrinking Faster than Expected (article). Committee on chemistry and physics of ozone depletion et al. (authors). Causes and effects of stratospheric ozone depletion: an update (book). Published by the National Academy in Washington. 1982. Noel Grove (author). air: an atmosphere of uncertainty (article). In National Geographic (journal). In April, 1988 on pages 502-537. A letter from Albert Gore dated Feb. 14, 1983. The chapter entitled "Fast-Fish and Loose-Fish" in Moby Dick (book), written by Herman Melville. The Norton Critical Edition by Harrison Hayford and Hershel Parker. Published in New York by Norton in 1967. ASSIGNMENT #2 Create a References (APA) page using the following information: Richard Case (author). an article called "Gearing the demands of instruction to the developmental capacities of the learner" in REVIEW OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH, vol. 45, issue 1. Written in 1975. pages 59-87. R. B. Long (author). A book called The Sentence and its Parts: A grammar of contemporary English. Published by the U. of Chicago Press in 1961. R. C. O'Donnell, W. J. Griffin, R. C. Norris (authors). A report called Syntax of Kindergarten and Elementary School Children: A Transformational Analysis. Published in 1967 by the National council of teachers of english (in Champaign, IL). Research Report No. 8. N. S. Bount (author). An article called "Research on teaching literature, language, and composition" (1973). In a book, Second handbook of research on teaching. Edited by R. M. W. Travers. Published by Rand McNally in Chicago. SAVE BOTH PAGES TO YOUR SERVER FILE AND THE DROPBOX UNDER YOUR LAST NAME.2 DROPBOX... I:\ENGL104.G60\DROPBOX\LAST NAME.2 SERVER FILE... F:\ENGL104.G60\TB00___\FILE NAME